Friday, February 5, 2010

THE TOOTH FAIRY Movie & Writing

My seven- year-old granddaughter desperately wanted to see this movie. I relented but not expecting to like the children’s movie.

Try to imagine The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) in a tutu?

My husband, granddaughter, and I loved the movie. Derek (Dwayne Johnson’s character) is forced to become a tooth fairy when he squashes the hopes of a young boy’s dream of becoming a hockey player.

In The Artist Way by Julia Cameron suggests that we are unable to live our creative lives, as well-meaning parents and teachers have ruined our dreams by negative comments.

My middle daughter at an early age showed artistic talent. I remember when she asked her father, “Do artists make money?”

“Not unless they’re dead,” he said.

I took him aside explaining to him that he’d just ruined her dream of becoming an artist. For years, no matter what I said, she wouldn’t paint.

In order for me to write, I write morning pages (The Artist Way) and do writing practice (Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg) to free the writer within and shut up the critic who makes negative comments about my writing.

If you’re experiencing writers’ block, why not try writing morning pages (handwritten three pages) of whatever arrives in your mind.

Headwaters Writers’ Guild’s meetings include writing practice (Writing Down the Bones).

Today, my daughter is a talented artist. My sister-in-law mentioned that my daughter inherited her talent from her great-grandmother. I don't care how talented you are - if you don't have encouragement, somebody to buy you paints, and to pay for art lessons, you're not going to succeed.

The Tooth Fairy reminds adults to be careful not to destroy a child or an adult’s dream.

Check out Oprah today, Dwayne Johnson is on. Possibly, Oprah thought the movie was inspirational, too! I watch a lot of inspirational movies, like "The Blind Side", to inspire me.

Did I mention that my granddaughter is begging her mother and me to take her to see "
The Tooth Fairy" again? I've promised to buy the DVD
when it comes out.

See you on Sunday!

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