Thursday, July 18, 2019

Meeting Sunday, July 14th, 2019

There was continued discussion about the anthology's cover, title and a foreword. Submissions should be emailed to Virginia in a word document by September 1, 2019.

Judy shared some of her Haiku poems with us before providing us with the following details and prompts:

A haiku is a short poem - just three lines long - that uses language to capture feelings or images. Haiku poetry was originally developed by Japanese poets. The poems are often inspired by nature, a moment of beauty, a poignant experience, etc.

THE STRUCTURE: A haiku poem is only three lines long.
The first line has five syllables
The second line has seven syllables
And the third line has five syllables
These limitations will actually help you find just the right words to capture the essence or mood of the subject of the poem



1. After she died, I slept with her little yellow pyjamas under my pillow, and sometimes I'd see her scamper through my dreams, an arm's length ahead of me.

2. She tried not to lose herself in infatuation, but being with Darren took her away from the cloud of uncertainty and unrest at home.

3. When she looked at the house from the driveway, unease scuttled through her.

4. Like all teenagers, I was embarrassed by my mother - the way she dressed, her weird friends - and I was afraid of what my friends might think of her.

5. She loved going to Aunt Florence's house when she was a child - it was like a museum, every piece of furniture, every painting was like a story yearning to be told. But now she had inherited it, all of it, and something did not feel right, and then there was the dream she had, where Aunt Florence, all in a dither, seemed to be trying to warn her...

Next Meeting:
Sunday, August 18th, 2019