Sunday, January 29, 2012

Writing prompt from Jan 21 meeting: Stephen King says in his book "On Writing," that he has created for himself a "far-seeking place" where he goes to receive "telepathic messages". His is in his basement. Where is yours? Describe it. If it is a state of mind rather than a place, how do you get into it?

I write from a place of energy and inner focus; where all petty concerns, mindless entertainment and things that distract me have been banished. There is nothing between my mind / body and my creative self here. It doesn’t matter whether I write, draw, sing, sew, dance, or solve a problem at work: the creativity needed to do it comes from here. I don’t ‘find’ this place; I live in it most of the time. It is inextricably wound into the very fabric of me; I just never realized it was there. For much of my young life, I let myself believe this energy was of no value to anyone and criticism walled me off from it. I (and others!) talked me out of a lot of things that I “couldn’t do” or “wasn’t good at”. Now I know that I only got in my own way.
Belief is a very powerful thing! If you believe you can’t sing ... you can’t. If you believe you have writer’s block ... you will. Get out of your own way and believe that you can! Let that inner energy out to pervade everything you do. Then you won’t have to find a ‘place’ to write, you’ll realize that you’ve always carried it with you.

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