Sunday, November 17, 2013

HWG Meeting November 17, 2013

Marilyn shared two more books she recently published for her clients:

Both are currently available on Amazon.

Nancy suggested a letter be written to The Orangeville Banner newspaper to praise the Orangeville Public Library for the Richard Scarsbrook series of Round Table workshops in hopes the library will keep up with these kinds of programs. Nancy will prepare a draft of this letter.

Writing Prompts:

1. Look at the image supplied (on the leader's laptop). It was painted by a fantasy artist by the name of Nick Deligaris (go to if you want to see more of his artwork). Write a personal diary entry for one of the characters in the picture.

2. Write each letter of the word "WRITING" on its own line and use each letter as the start of another word to write an acrostic poem. The poem should detail how you feel about writing.

3. Pick an event of personal significance that happened to you recently. Write an article about it that would be suitable for a newspaper.

4. Write a letter to Santa since Christmas is coming.

5. Pretend you're putting together a time capsule for the purpose of imparting wisdom to future generations. Write a paragraph or two about something you learned that you'd like them to know.

The following two writing prompts are courtesy of

6. Try beginning at the end for a change! Write the final scene in a climactic ending to your story.

7. Take a piece of writing you have already started but have abandoned unfinished for whatever reason. Introduce a completely unexpected plot twist at the point where you stopped writing. For example: the home of your main character gets invaded by aliens, or someone gets a phone call from a serial killer. See where it takes you.

The next meeting takes place on Sunday, December 1st. Nancy will be leading. This is the last official meeting of the year.

The Christmas Luncheon will take place on Sunday, December 15th at noon at the Happiness Buffet in Orangeville (please check your email for details).

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