Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why I Write

I write because of the state of being I experience when I write. The exquisite blend of right and left L brain functioning—creative inspiration and searching the Thesaurus for the perfect word is a rich and fulfilling combination. My heart sings, I laugh out loud, I groan, I beat my breast (figuratively) come up for air and thank my muses as I again fall into the depths of allowing, searching, finding and expressing.

When I am writing, I accomplished more in other areas of my life. Chores and other mundane activities don’t seem quite so boring or meaningless after spending four or five hours with my characters and their lives. They have such exciting ones and I am privileged that they invite me in. It is fun to wake up and wonder what adventures we will share that morning. Even when a word or phrase eludes me, the chase, the search and the delight when it pops up is all worth it. I am thankful to have the time, my fantastic computer, all my faculties and the unending desire to write. We writers are blessed.

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