Friday, July 17, 2009

Video Conference with Saralee Rosenberg, July 10, 2009

Below are my notes from video conference with author Saralee Rosenberg. The first story she wrote was "All In the Cards" which was sold to Bette Midler, but nothing came of it. That story was rewritten to Rosenberg's newest release "Dear Neighbor, Drop Dead".

She strongly suggests having an agent but she does not have one at this time.

She recommends subscribing to "Publisher's Weekly".

Today, publishers are changing genres. YA is a hot category today thanks to the "Harry Potter" series of books.

Write in your own voice. DO NOT try and copy someone else.

Before committing a single word to paper you must know everything about your character. Who is your story about? Do a natal chart using astrology/birthday to get characteristics. If you know their past, you know their future. Do not judge your character.

How would your character react to certain situations? Let the ideas come up. Just spit it out. The character unfolds throughout the story. All characters need to have an arc - develop and change. They should be a very different character in the end.

You are not allowed to say, "This sucks". No negativity. We are our own worst critic. Those ideas come from a higher place; don't ignore them.

Don't forget you are writing for an audience - KNOW your audience.

If you are writing about something personal, have a trusted friend interview YOU.

You may get friends to read your work and critique it. With constructive criticism you must decide whether it is important or not. If you hear the same critique over and over again from different people then it is something you should take a look at.

First Chapter - Make something happen. All of Rosenberg's stories start with dialogue. Quick action grabs the reader.

A novel should be 80,000-100,000 words. Be sure to have sub-plots, especially if you are writing in third person. Step away from the main character and see what others are doing.

In writing you can't confuse the reader with strong language. Let rhythm and thoughts flow.

Incorporate humor and heart in every chapter.

End every chapter with a cliffhanger.

With regards to writer's block - do chores to distract. Go for a walk, wash the dishes, have a shower. It seems the most brilliant ideas come in the bathroom.

Those are my notes.... whose next?

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