Sunday, April 5, 2020

April 5 Virtual Writing Meeting by Diane Bator

HWG Writing Prompts April 5 2020
The Signs and their Ingredients

Hey all! 
While we are all in this crazy state of being forced introverts for a while, I thought I would find a way to keep our brains active and the creative juices flowing.
In the midst of things, I'm busy doing edits for Drop Dead Cowboy which comes out in September. It's the cover ideas I'm struggling with but that will come!
I'm also finding online courses to build my word skills. Too bad it's not helping my typing some days! I tend to stumble over my fingers when I go too fast.

Anyway, I discovered this on Facebook one day and thought it would make for some fun prompts:

Aries:  Flames directly from hell, shards of diamonds, the energy of a toddler, a gallon of caffeine
Taurus:  clusters of emerald gemstones, the scent of old books, warm chocolate chip cookies, silk pajamas
Gemini:  wind from a tornado, a pinch of salt, a child’s laughter, a cup of glitter
Cancer:  shimmering tears, the moon’s light, the scent of lavender, water from an ocean storm
Leo:  a Hollywood actresses’ tears, the pride of a lion, the morning sun’s rays, beaming highlighters
Virgo:  freshly roasted coffee, the scent of new books, a bouquet of daisies, breeze of a fall afternoon
Libra:  a cup of rose petals, a bottle of fruity perfume, creamy frosting, voice of Marilyn Monroe
Scorpio:  deep rooted secrets, the eyes of a psychic, passion *added for flavour*, a midnight conversation
Sagittarius:  a child’s optimism, a folk song riff, a language not yet known, wisdom of a philosopher
Capricorn:  the bones of a warrior, a gallon of pessimism, a leader’s authority, Saturn’s tough layered rings
Aquarius:  an alien brain, a tablespoon of stardust, holographic beams, one mystery flavored candy
Pisces:  melatonin, a cup of cotton candy, the heart of a goddess, tears of a siren

Can't wait to see or hear what you all write!
If anyone wants to share it on our blog, please email me or Pat and we can post it for you.
Until we can read to each other out loud again....
Stay healthy and keep writing!


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