Monday, September 27, 2010

Collingwood Word Stock, workshop

September 10, 2010 was a banner day for any writer looking for
tips to sharpen their skills, and for me it was a workshop put on by
Ruth Garrett on that beautiful day in a beautiful town on Georgian
The town is historic for many reasons, the least not being ship
there's many others, but for today it was "Sweat, Blood and
by Ruth.
The literary festival took in Friday night and Saturday that weekend,
and from all accounts was a roaring success. It must have been because
we were acquainted to the best of speakers in some historic venues.
It was really COOL by contemporary language.
Ruth put on a one hour time controlled talk with audience participation.
Her presentation had to be timed because her bubbling enthusiasm
coupled with her great grasp of writing probably would have gone on
long after lunch. It was easy to see how much she loves her subject,
and telling it to an eager audience.
Let me give you some meat from her titled workshop:

"The Blood": writing from the depths of who you truly are.

1. Access your true writer's voice
2. Nurture your creative spirit
3. Develop and deepen your writing practice
4. Name your motivation and objectives

"The Sweat" developing and deepening my writing practice.
(share with the world in your writings).

Some headings from "The Sweat":
Commitment and Persistence.
Developing and deepening your writing practice
The "If Only" way of writing ....... or more correctly not writing
"The Fears"
F alse

E vidence

A ppearing

R eal

Ruth states: Feel the FEAR and do it anyway .......
all you have to lose are
inhibitions .....
what you gain are
your dreams.

There is much more that Ruth left me with, but at the expense
of plagiarism I will leave it at that, with the suggestion we invite
Ruth to our group to meet us at church one Sunday, under the
guise of a prayer meeting ....... maybe we can even coax her to
give us a workshop too, during the prayer session.

Keep writing bloggers.

This is my first ever contribution to a blog, and this could
become addictive.

Ron Lehman.

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