Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Meeting March 19, 2017 Prompts

Writing Prompts, March 19, 2017                                              Judy Zarowny

Across the top of the piece of paper provided, each person will write very brief answers to statement #1, fold it over so it can’t be seen, and pass the paper to the next person, who will write something from statement #2, fold it over and pass it on, and so on to #9 on this page.  When the papers are full, the one you end up with is your writing prompt.

1. Write the name of a would be protagonist, and descriptive one or two word answers to the following—gender, age, physical appearance and condition, current emotional state, job, religious affiliation, financial status.

2.  Give one word descriptions of a place, where the action in the story is taking place—interior, exterior, castle, hovel, city countryside, foreign country or domestic setting, mountains, desert, forest, underground, space ship, at sea, blah, blah, blah etc.

3.  State when this is taking place; past, present future, time of day, month or season, flash back.

4.  Describe something that this protagonist is hiding, either a physical item, or a personality flaw or a recent tragedy.

5. Describe a crisis or emergency happening in the setting, or a challenge regarding the setting.

6.  What one thing does this person want above all else in this situation?

7.  What would this character stand to lose in this situation?

8.  Who is supporting the character?

9.  Who or what is obstructing the character and his or her intentions?

Read over the paper you end up with, and write the first paragraph of your new masterpiece.


 Next Meeting is Sunday, April 2nd
Sonja is leading

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