Sunday, February 28, 2016

Need a Murder Mystery Idea? Here’s one. by Sonja Wolter

     A couple of weeks ago, we were asked to come up with an idea for a murder mystery story.
     Murder mysteries aren’t my usual genre, but I gave it a try and came up with, what I think, is an interesting idea. I’ll likely not take it any further, so I thought I’d offer it up as a prompt for anyone out there who is looking for a story idea.

     Perhaps it will help get the creative juices flowing.

     Happy writing!

     She floated effortlessly across the lake, oblivious to the red morning sky, and bumped up against the wooden boat moored to the dock. Drifting a little here and there, her raven hair fanned out behind her. The cross, carved into her forehead, accentuated the imprint of horror still on her face.

     The fisherman didn’t see her at first. Not until he was secured in the boat and ready to push off, did he notice the milky white arm extended outward. He leaned over the edge and saw her deep green eyes staring into eternity.

     Backing away quickly, he nearly capsized the craft, and clambered back up to the dock. He took one more look at the body clinging to the hull and ran back to the cabin.

     Fumbling the phone twice, he finally punched in 911. When the authorities arrived he was already packed and eager to head back to the city.

     More vehicles arrived. Yellow tape around the dock. The fisherman arguing to leave but Detective Jake Mason wouldn’t let him. The detective looked to the hills and spoke quietly to one of the officers, who nodded and followed the direction of his gaze. It seemed as if they were looking right at me.

     The vision ended and I saw my own reflection in the mirror once more. This murder was not the first, and I knew it wouldn’t be the last. It was time for me to get involved.

     I can find people. Usually, people who want to be found – dead or alive. But this time, I’d be looking for someone that was hiding in the shadows and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to walk through the veil of darkness that appeared to me in my dreams. I sensed more than a human presence. Something old and hungry. I could feel its teeth reaching out, yet restrained by some force, like a tiger behind a cage.

     A shiver ran down my spine as I looked out the window. The forest surrounding my cottage became suddenly silent. It was out there somewhere. I could feel it.

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