Thursday, March 18, 2010

Writer's Job

I never know what to post on our Blog. Judy told me that she liked my postings because they’re chatty. She didn’t quite say whether that was a good thing or not. But she’s considering making a post and I’m looking forward to reading it. She’s the only person who has commented on my writing on the blog.

Laura mentioned that she loved Jayne's postings.

Today, I’m going to go where the computer takes me.

At the March 7, 2010 meeting when I read my short story Outside of Heaven, Richard said at least three times that, “IT WAS DISTURBING!”

Judy said, “When it’s told from the point of view of a child, it would make it disturbing.”

I remember when the late Janet Bellinger read her short story at Ed's workshops, about two men trying to persuade their wives to loose weight. We must have talked about her story for at least 45 minutes. She hated it after that.

I told her, “As a writer, it’s your job to provoke thought.”

Thanks Richard for the compliment. I’ve done my job.


Richard said...

I meant it in the best possible terms. Your writing was very 'vivid' which means it was well written.

Anonymous said...

Hey Richard,

I know that you meant it as a compliment! I felt honoured.
